Saturday, February 10, 2007

My favorite stocks

Yes Bank - excellent growth potential
NTPC - does not need any introductions
Petronet LNG - sound business model

Yes, the list can be longer. Much longer. I only needed more money !!! If anyone needs latest research reports on any of these stocks, please send me an email.

One suggestion from my experience and general observations. One typical habbit is to buy everything possible in the world. So I know people who buy Reliance, Infosys, Wipro, Satyam, L&T, Siemens, Bhel, Bharti Airtel, SBI, MTNL, India Bulls and all the names one can think. Now because of such large horizon of stocks, they typically buy very small quantity of each of these say 10/15 or so.

Now my strategy is different. One can only make real gains on a substantial holding. Imagine someone currently holding 1000 Reliance or Infosys, bought couple of years back. Imagine the kind of profits that they will book now !!! Yes, the diversification helps to reduce risks but if that's the objective, then one should look at mutual funds. The real advantage of direct equity is the potential of multi baggers. Otherwise, we have so many v good mutual fund schemes available ! So identify your picks and build a substantial position and patiently wait. Of course, keep checking the story regularly.

The rule of 5 says that always buy 5 growth stocks. 3 of them will turn out to be OK. One will disappoint for some reasons and one will be a multi bagger. This is very similar to the rule published by National Club of mentioned by Peter Lynch in the book Beating the street.

I have learned a very good way to keep a track on my investments thru Google / Yahoo alerts. I do have to read thru lots and lots of contents and be careful to skip thru the ones not very relevant.

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