Sunday, July 08, 2007

Portfolio Tracking

I have found out a useful portfolio feature of Value Research portfolio facility available online. If you upload all your mutual fund investments, 'Portfolio checkup - Equity' section gives you an idea of your Portfolio style break up, style Vs. capitalization, top 15 equity holding and sector allocation.
I found the equity holding section particularly helpful. I was yesterday reviewing my Direct Equity portfolio and felt that my next buy should be Reliance Industries as compared to other stocks in my core portfolio, the weight was low. When I discovered the top 15 equity holding section in my value research online portfolio, I realised that thru my MF investment, I already possess an x number of RIL. This changes my need to buy additional RIL now.
With the help of value research portfolio, I can manage my core direct equity investments in a better way now. I think they project the approximate value by multiplying the # of the respective share that the MF scheme holds * my proportionate holding (very small !) in that particular scheme.

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