Monday, December 10, 2007

IPO Trading - BGR, Transformer or Brigade?

This is written purely from IPO Trading perspective. So the views are restricted to maximise the listing gain perspective. The IPO Allotment calculator might come handy. So take a look at this. BGR & Transformer look very good issues to me though issue size is small and hence it will be a lottery allotment. Chances of allotment look higher in Brigade as
(1) BGR & Transformer will close early on 12 Dec & Brigade on 13. So many people will apply for 'power' sector and choose to invest their limited money in BGR and / or Transformer
(2) Retail quota in Brigade is higher as the issue size of brigade is around 166 Cr. compared to 439 Cr. for BGR and 139 Cr. for Transformer.
I am thinking to apply for Brigade though I know the risks are higher and not many analysts see appreciation possibilities beyond upper value of 390. Grey market indication is a premium of 80 Rs. over 390 but then Grey market premiums do fluctuate a lot so I agree that margin of safety is very limited. However, knowing Brigade (I stay in Bangalore). I don't see the risk of loosing money to the Issue price.
I will make up my mind on day after tomorrow (12 Dec) and if retail subscription does not look going to be huge, I might apply for BGR or Transformer. In any case, I only apply full retail quota and I only apply if my guess tells me that retail is likely to be oversubscribed at 16/18 times at best. But then my guess can be a hazardous one. So take your own decisions. I also, always, sell the IPO Stocks immediately on listing. This is my trading approach and I strictly adhere to this.
  1. I received the IPO Allotment Calculator, originally, from Prem Sagar. Over period of time, I have added few more features to suit my preferences.
  2. Figures are approximate

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